This article walks you through the process of creating and customising your multi-level menus with rich content or shortcodes.
Creating levels
Firstly, go to Appearance
> Menus
on WordPress sidebar and edit your menu. Drag and drop pages to your menu and create levels by shifting some pages to the right. Example image below shows 2 levels but you can make it deeper. Superfly plugin supports up to 4 levels.
Аdd rich content and shortcodes
Click tiny orange button to add rich content to that panel or style menu item itself.
New settings window will pop up. Scroll down and find the field to add your custom HTML and shortcodes.
This rich content will be shown on the panel when someone mouse over or click this exact menu item according to your settings.
Set general styling for panels of each level
Go to Superfly settings page and choose Menu Panel
> Styling
tab. Here you can setup some basic features like background color for panels of each level. That's it!